Carole Fredericks est née un 5 juin à Springfield dans l'état du Massachusetts (Etats-Unis).
Sa mère est chanteuse dans un Big Band, son père est pianiste et parolier. Carole grandit dans une ambiance de musique, de blues et de gospel autour de sept frères et sœurs, tous artistes et musiciens. Son frère ainé, Taj Mahal, est l'un des plus grands bluesmen. Aretha Franklin et les Beatles sont les idoles de Carole et resteront ses plus fortes influences musicales.
Carole Fredericks was born on June 5th in Springfield, Massachusetts (USA.) Her mother was a singer in a big band; her father a pianist and lyricist. Carole grew up surrounded by blues and gospel with her seven brothers and sisters, all artists and musicians. Her older brother, Taj Mahal, was among the greatest blues musicians. Aretha Franklin and the Beatles were Carole's idols and would remain her strongest musical influences.